This will be useful if:
You are a Learner User of the EzLicence booking platform.
You are trying to:
Log in to your learner account but it isn’t working.
Are you having trouble logging in? Perhaps you have forgotten your password. We’ve all been there, now it's time for a reset. You can reset your password in a few simple steps.
How to reset the password on your learner account
Step 1.
From the Learner Login page, click the “Forgot password?” link.
Step 2.
Enter the email address and password you used when you created your account. Click the Reset Password button.
An email will be sent to that email address with the steps to reset your password.
Step 4. (optional)
If the email address you entered is not in our system, you will receive an error. The error may mean that you mistyped your email address when you created your account or used a different one.
Please submit a support request for further assistance.